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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“What is that in thine hand?”

He had been the child of a Hebrew slave… his mother had made a weaved basket, placed him into it, and put him in the river at the age of three months. He was found by the daughter of Pharaoh of Egypt, who took him in as her own child. He was raised in the courts, Pharaoh, going from poverty to wealth in a matter of minutes. Moses was on the “back side” of the desert, tending sheep when he saw the “burning bush.” God spoke to him and said, “What is that in thine hand?” It was a simple rod. And with that simple rod, with which he had tended sheep, the Lord would work great and mighty miracles. But how could God possibly use someone like this man, “meek and mild Moses,” to free millions of slaves from the hand of Pharaoh and lead them for forty years to “the land of promise?” There would be the challenge of finding food and water in the desert and being responsible for all these lives, not to mention, “slaves fighting off great warriors” crossing the Red Sea and much more… just how “equipped” was Moses? Did God pick the highest “General” He could find? No, He picked a man so meek that he needed his brother, Aaron, to talk for him…

Maybe you don’t feel “equipped” for what God is calling you to do, but as Richard Stearns once said, “God does not call the equipped. He equips the called.” God always chooses the “one that has never won a race.” Today, what do you feel that God has called you to do? Maybe you don’t feel that you have the talent or the education or the stamina for this calling, but when God calls you, He equips you with what you will need. All you have to do is say, “Yes.” All you have to do is say, “Here am I. Send me.” Have a great day and tell the Lord that you are willing to do whatever it is that He calls you for. Sherry

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