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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

The Bible declares, “Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.” Psalm 121:4-7

Of course, we all know that scripture, but did you ever think of what would happen if “God took a nap” for even an hour? The sun, moon, and planets would fall from their orbit…the stars would explode! There would be tidal waves all over the world, and we would all be killed or crushed or “burned alive.” Our God “never sleeps,” and never has! He’s watching over you all day long and all night long, on weekends and holidays! He is always there to help in time of need. He is “no respecter” of person. He is fair and just to everyone, no matter what color or religion, and anyone can call out His name for help!! And, the good thing is that “He is neither Democrat nor Republican!” Ha!

And, He doesn’t need to be “any religion,” because He’s God! He just “God,” everywhere, to everyone, at all times, and He died for all!!

That’s why I love Him so much!!!


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