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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“Thy will or my will?”

Jesus prayed the most magnificent prayer in Matthew 6:10. It is called, “The Lord’s Prayer,” because He was not only teaching His disciples how to pray, but the “multitudes” and us. In this day and time that we are living in, many people, especially Christians, have lost their “will.” They are sad, discouraged, and depressed. I am sure that we all feel now like the disciples felt when Jesus was taken from them. They had lost their “hope.” Everything they thought would happen, did not happen…

But in “The Lord’s Prayer,” Jesus said something very important… “Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” Sometimes, when things don’t go as we planned, we think it is not God’s will. But, Jesus said, “Thy will be done in earth…”

Today, things that are taking place are the will of God. So many believers have been praying about different things, and surely if it were “God’s will” then it would be done. God puts things in place because He has a reason and a “perfect timing,” whether we like it or not.

So today, don’t complain. Don’t be discouraged. Whatever is happening in your life or around you, “let God’s will be done.” He is big enough to change things when He needs to. After all, He is a BIG GOD! HE HAS HIS FEET ON THE EARTH, AS A FOOTSTOOL.

Let God be God! He still has a plan, even though we don’t know what it is, because we are the people that “walk by faith and not by sight!” We love you! Sherry

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