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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“Following Directions.”

Mankind has always been bad about “following directions.” It started in the garden of Eden when the Lord said, “You can eat of every tree in the garden, but of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat.” Genesis 2:17

Fast-forward to II Kings Chapter Five. What a story. Here, we have “Na-a-man,” captain of the host army of Syria. He had a great reputation, was loved by all, was honorable, and brave and a mighty warrior, but, he was a leper!

His little slave girl from Israel mentioned that “she wished the captain were with the man of God, from Samaria, for he would recover him from his leprosy.” The king heard about this man of God and sent Naaman, with a large barrage of military, $52,000 in silver, $394,000 in gold, and ten changes of expensive raiment. He was going to “buy” his healing from Elisha, the prophet of God.

Can you imagine Elisha looking out his window to see this sight? All those horses and chariots and military were outside his little house. Elisha didn’t even bother to come outside! He sent his message to tell Naaman, “These are your directions… Go, dip in the river Jordan seven times and your flesh will come back again and you will be clean!

Did Naaman follow directions? No. They were too easy. He wanted to dip in “another river.” He wanted to dip in a “clean river,” of “his choosing.” He did not want to follow God’s directions! He wanted to do “what HE wanted to do.” So, he turned all his army around to leave and go back. Thankfully, his servants talked him into coming back. They said, “If he had asked a hard thing, you would have done it.” All the prophet said was “wash and be clean!” Naaman finally decided to “follow God’s directions.” When he did, he was healed instantly!

Following God’s directions in doing a “small thing” (like tipping someone a little more, or helping someone with a chore, etc.) is better than doing a “big thing” on your own. You will miss out on your blessing! So, today, pay attention. Listen to the Lord with your heart, and “Follow His Directions!” Have a good day!!!


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