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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

”Wrapped up, tied up, and tangled up, in Jesus!”

You can never get too far from the Lord, so you might as well stop worrying and saying, “Does the Lord care? Does He know I’m in trouble? Has He forgotten about me?” The Lord will not let you out of His sight!

“If you ascend into heaven, He is there! If you make your bed in hell, He is there. If you grow wings and fly away to the uttermost part of the earth, He is there! If you go to the uttermost part of the sea, He is there…” (Psalms 139:8-10)

We used to preach a lot in African American churches before we moved to Haiti! (That’s where I learned to play the tambourine quite well!) I remember a song they used to sing, “I’ve wrapped up, tied up, and tangled up in Jesus!” When we get to this place, in Him, we have nothing to fear!!

Have a great day!!

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