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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

If you get knocked down, get back up!

“For a just man falls seven times, and rises up again” Proverbs 24:16

I remember a woman preacher who was a wonderful, anointed servant of the Lord. She left Florida to visit her family for a funeral in Georgia. While she was up there something happened. One evening she got drunk and fell into a sexual sin with an old flame. The next day she was still drinking, fell, and got hurt. Sherry and I have known her for years. She had a spotless reputation. She returned to Florida and we visited her in the hospital. She could hardly look at me. I told her to look at me. “A good man falls seven times and rises up again!” Proverbs 24:16

I told her to get out of the pigpen Satan had put her in, ask the Lord for forgiveness, and go forward! Well, she did just that, and now it has been several years, and she has never had another problem. She has, and is doing, great things for the Lord!

If you have fallen, get back up!! Go forward for the Lord.

Bobby Burnette

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