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Word from the Mission Field

“God is my Buckler!”

David was a mighty warrior in the Bible. Many of the scriptures David wrote about the Lord described his God as a “God of battle” because David was always in a battle! He describes the Lord God as his “rock” (a huge rock) to hide behind in battle so that David could see the enemy, but he was hidden from the sight of the enemy.

David said that God was his “fortress.” David could always feel safe in his “fortress” by his “protecting God!”

But the other thing David always referred to was the “buckler,” which really got my attention. What on earth was a “buckler?” A buckler was used in battle. It was like a shield made of “wood.” Then it was covered with “wickers woven together,” covered with skin or leather, fortified with plated brass, causing darts to bounce off. It was often four feet long. It was used on the left arm.

This means that “the darts of Satan” will “bounce off” of you because God is your buckler!!! When the blood of Jesus covers you, He becomes your “buckler!” So, do not fear! God has “got you covered!”



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