“You Don’t Need A Whole Lot… Just Use What Little You’ve Got!”
Jesus tells the story in Matthew 25, of the man (businessman), who was traveling to a far country. He called his servants and left money (talents of gold) in their hands to invest. He gave three of them different amounts… five, two, and one. When he came back, he asked the first steward what he did with what he had. He answered, “Lord, you left me five talents and I used it to make ten talents. The second servant only had two talents, but he used them and made four talents. The last steward only had one talent ($5,280.00). But, he didn’t think his “talent was any good,” or maybe he had wanted more. So he buried it! This made the master angry!! He wanted to see if his servants “could be faithful in the few things…” He took his one talent and gave it to the one who had done the most with what he had!
We once had a friend in the ministry… he had more talent than we did! He could sing, play the piano, and do so much with his talents. Once, we asked him, “Wow! Why don’t you start a church? You can preach, sing, and play the piano! God could really use you.” He replied, “well if God would start me out in a big church of 1,000 people, I would pastor it.” Sadly enough, he never pastored, he never succeeded in the ministry, and he died without using the wonderful talents God had given him… so sad.
Today, let God use your “talent” for His Glory. He doesn’t want your excuses. He wants your love. “You don’t need a whole lot, just use what little you’ve got!”
Blessings, Bobby and Sherry