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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“Give Up, and Let Jesus Take Over…”

That’s an old song with such a good meaning. Have you ever said, “Lord, I’ve done all I could? What more can I do?” Or “Lord, I feel like giving up.”

Maybe it’s time you do what this song says, “Give up, and let Jesus take over…” The songs “we used to sing” had meaning. They came from actual trials and experiences that the songwriters had. So you can actually feel the “anointing” when you hear these songs!

I am sure that when Moses faced the Red Sea, leading 1,000,000 Jews (children and adults), straight toward the Red Sea, with Pharaoh’s army behind, it must have been so frighting. I could almost hear the ground shake with the horse’s hooves and the noise of those chariots being driven full force, and Pharaoh coming at them “with a full vengeance!” After all, God had just slain his only son, destined for the throne! They could do nothing but “give up, and let Jesus take over!”

The Bible says, “The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace!” This is your word for today!



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