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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“Nothing Greater Than Love…”

We are here in Haiti, living among the poorest of the poor but seeing the “riches of the rich” side by side. After living and working in Haiti for 30 years, it has been the hardest thing in my life to try to understand why some people have three or more “huge gothic houses,” but they cannot “see the poor.” But, I think I understand it now, thru I Cor. 13:1-4… especially this scripture: “Thou I give my body to be burned and have not charity, (love), it profited me nothing.” It also speaks to those in the ministry. “And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, (love), I AM NOTHING.”

We knew a great “faith preacher” years ago but haven’t heard from him in a long time. He wanted to come to Haiti to do “Pastor seminars,” but he didn’t want to see the poor…in fact, he never wanted to see or visit our orphanage or help with a feeding program or anything. All he could talk about was “how much faith he had!”  I remember him talking to Bobby on the phone one day. He asked, “Where is Sherry?” Bobby said, “Well, she went to the mountains, and she had to ride a four-wheel-drive and then get on a mule the rest of the way.”

The preacher said, “well if you had faith, your wife would be driving a Mercedes like mine.”  It wasn’t a question of faith…it was a question of “how to get up there on top of that mountain,” and the mule was the best thing! We have not heard from him in a long time, but one thing is for sure.” Bobby and I would not trade our love for the poor for anything in the world.” Besides, you cannot repossess love! It is the greatest thing in the world! So, today, if you don’t have all the world’s earthly treasures, but you have love, it is your most valuable possession!



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