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Word from the Mission Field:  8-14-18  6:30 AM

Word from the Mission Field: 8-14-18 6:30 AM

“Over a Little Mustache. Really?”

“Judge not that ye be not judged.” Matthew 7:1

It’s amazing to me, how the Scribes and Pharisees could criticize what Jesus was doing, healing the sick, casting out devils, setting the demon-possessed man in the tombs free, but with every miracle, there came a criticism. “You put yourself equal to God. Your disciples don’t wash their hands before they eat. You cast out demons by the prince of demons… blah, blah, blah.”

Years ago, Bobby and his Evangelist friend, Jim, had been asked to preach at a little church in Haight, Georgia. But, (there is always a “but…”) Jim had a “little mustache.” When Bobby and Jim arrived, they had to stay at the pastor’s house. The pastor immediately started to criticize Jim’s little mustache. He said that Jim would not be allowed to sing or speak from the pulpit, due to his mustache. However, Bobby noticed that the pastor had a TV set in each room of his house. The pastor was “addicted to television.” After that first night, Bobby realized that the Spirit of the Lord would not be free to heal, or save, or set in that little church because of the pastor’s critical spirit.

Bobby’s room where he and Jim slept had a “window.” So, that night, after the service, they escaped through the window, drove all the way from Haight, Georgia to Cocoa, Florida, where we lived. The next morning, the pastor called, and said, “Sister Burnette, Brother Bobby is not here.” I said, “Well, he can’t be there because he’s here in bed, sleeping, and he won’t be back!” Jesus said, “Judge not, that ye be not judged.” Matthew 7:1 — If you are around a “critical spirit,” move on. Spend time with your friends, and not your enemies. Someone once said, “Go where you’re celebrated, and not where you are tolerated!” Have a blessed, happy day! Sherry

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