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Word from the Mission Field

“Backed Into A Corner.”

We’ve all been there in one way or another… with the “dogs on our heels.” There was a great king in the Bible named Jehoshaphat, king of Judah. But one day, the king of Moab and the king of Ammon decided to come against Jehoshaphat and, they were “not a few.” One of King Jehoshaphat’s men said, “there cometh a great multitude against thee from beyond the sea.”

Jehoshaphat had no time to prepare because the enemy were already on the run with the thundering sound of the horse’s hooves! You could say, “he was backed into a corner!” Have you ever been there? Out of money, got laid off from your job, your husband left you with the kids, or, the doctor said, “Come into my office. I want to see you.” None of these things are good. But, when Jehoshaphat was backed into a corner, he set himself to seek the Lord, and proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah. All of a sudden, a Levite named Jahaziel began to speak in the name of the Lord… “Be not afraid nor dismayed by the reason of this great multitude; or the battle is not yours… but God’s!” No matter who or what has you “backed into a corner today,” God already has a plan and the “battle is His!” So, don’t give up… don’t give in! Help is coming!


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