“Expecting” Faith – Acts 3:5
Someone once asked me what I thought “faith” was? I answered, “It is believing that what God says is true.”
I think “faith” is like Elizabeth and Zacharias in Luke Chapter One. Both were “way up in years” and never had a child until Gabriel, the angel sent by God, delivered the “baby announcement.” “You’re going to have a baby!” Or like the Virgin Mary in Luke 1:38, when she was told she would have a child but had never been with a man. The Angel said, “The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee…” Both ladies were “expecting” a child. They could not “see the child.” They could not “hold the child in their arms.” They could not kiss their child; all they knew was that they were “expecting a child.” Our faith in God is the same way.
When we pray and believe, we are “expecting” a miracle! We are “expecting God to do what He said He would do.” We cannot “see the result” yet. We cannot “feel it,” or “hear it,” because faith is the “sixth sense.” It goes beyond our five natural senses. But, you could say, it’s like being “pregnant with God’s promise.” You are “expecting a miracle!” It will come in due time! It’s like the man at the gate of the Temple, with crippled legs from his birth. He was expecting to receive something of Peter and John, and he got it! That’s what we call “expecting faith!”
When you pray, “expect God to do what He said He would do,” and He will!! Have a great day, and “expect your miracle from God!” Sherry