“Fear Hath Torment.”
We had just returned from handing out “family tents,” to those who had gone through the recent earthquake in South Haiti. We had worked tirelessly and so had our Haitian workers. We left early for Fond Parisien, but it was a long drive of six hours. We could have taken the fast route through the bad area of “Martissaint,” but it was full of gangs with guns, so, we took the long way around, which was several hours longer.
We were finally on the “home stretch” of getting home to Fond Parisien, when we went through an area in Haiti, where our older Haitian children go to University. All of a sudden, Philemond, our driver, had “that look” on his face! We began to see trucks and cars and everyone in the distance turning around and heading back at us, at an incredible speed! When we called ahead, we realized that “gangs” had taken over that area and they were shooting everywhere! All of a sudden, I felt the “spirit of fear” try to overwhelm us. David said, in Psalms 64:1, “Hear my voice O, God, in my prayer; preserve my life from “fear of the enemy.” The devil always tries to do what he can, to envelope us with fear. The Word of God says, “fear hath torment.”
Sometimes, the “fear” of something, is worse than the actual thing itself. Satan loves to torment us, in any way we can. I John 4:18 says, “perfect love casts out fear.” That means that when we love the Lord with all our hearts, there is no room, for fear to be tormenting us!! Let’s fall in love with Jesus, and fill our hearts with love, so that there is no place, for fear!