“Be Not Weary in Well Doing.”
My mother was a “Saint,” and still is. Her name is Marion Barner and she went to be with the Lord years ago. Since I was a little girl, I remember that even though we were very poor, my mother was always giving. When Bobby and I were married and had children, we were preaching on the street corners and had very little food to eat. My mother made sure we had food and milk for the children… but, she was like that to “everyone.” She was always giving food, and most times, people would come to her house and sit at the table because she was ready to give them something to eat. There was always someone who needed “a little money” to get by. There was always someone who needed “a ride to the grocery store.”
She was never too busy. She never got tired and weary, helping others. Until the day she passed away, she was always “looking to give.” Some people always “look to receive,” but not her. “She lived, to give,” and never got tired of giving and, she was always “blessed!”
Living in Haiti has taught me a lot about giving. There is “always a knock at the gate.” There is “always some mother who needs food for her children.” There is “always a call from our Birthing Center,” about a mother who has no clothes, or no food, or no money to get home. Do we ever get “tired of giving?” Sometimes, here in Haiti, people are pulling at you all day long. They all have needs, but we try to do something to help each one and that’s not easy. The “cry of the poor,” is something you “hear with your heart,” and not your ears.
Apostle Paul said, “and let us not be weary in well-doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Galatians 6:9
So, let’s not get tired of helping, giving, going, listening for a need. We will soon be “reaping!” God sends people to you because He knows you will listen with your heart and help!