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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“You’re Missing One Thing.”

I always hear people talking about “how much they love the poor.” There are a “lot” of “extremely rich families” in Haiti. They live high, high up in the mountains in a private area. Their homes are much alike, or some even better, than some movie stars. They have the biggest, highest walls for security and privacy. They send their children to schools in Paris or other countries. There is never any lack of money. When they are on the plane, they are talking French about “what they have,” and “where they are going,” but they never talk about what they are doing to help the poor. In fact, they “don’t even want to see the poor!”

I get “angry to tears,” when we have to drive up the mountain and go past their “bourgeois subdivision” knowing there are starving children at the bottom of the mountain, but these people, “don’t even want to see them.” They consider the poor, “non-existent.”

These certain people go to church on Sunday, but they lack one thing… This is what Jesus said to one rich, young ruler. Jesus tried to tell the rich, young ruler, “One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give it to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven.” Mark 10:21- In other words, Jesus was telling him, “You’re missing one thing.”

The problem wasn’t “having great possessions,” the problem was, “He was possessed by his possessions.” It’s not a sin to possess great riches, but it is a sin, for your riches “to possess you.” Bobby and I pray every morning. We ask the Lord for wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. We ask God for wisdom. Wisdom will guide you in your giving. Have a great day and start looking for someone you can bless today!


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