The Mountain and the Mustard Seed…
In Matthew 17:19-20 Jesus is giving His disciples a life lesson. A multitude had been following Jesus and Jesus’ disciples were always with him, except when Jesus sent them out to heal the sick and cast out devils.
It must have been embarrassing to His disciples when Jesus came to the multitude who was waiting on Him and there comes a man, a “certain man,” kneeling down in front of Jesus. He asks Jesus to have mercy on his son, who is a lunatic, and possessed by devils, who throws his son into the fire, time and time again! Can you imagine!!
He tells Jesus that he brought his son to His disciples, and they could not cast them out! Jesus rebuked the devils and healed the man’s son. So, the disciples wanted to know why they could not cast the devil out. Jesus told them, “It was because of your unbelief. If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, remove hence to yonder place and it shall remove.” Matthew 17:14-20
Those little mustard seeds!! There’s been so much talk about those tiny things. They are so small, 1-2 millimeters in diameter, but one little seed grows to 6-20 feet with a 20-foot spread! The difference between the mustard seed and the mountain is that the mountain has gotten as big as it can get… while the mustard seed, starting so small, you can hardly see it, will grow and grow and grow! I prefer the “mustard seed faith,” because it takes a “little bit,” and sometimes, when I am facing a mountain, I don’t have to worry about it getting any bigger. It’s as big as it’s gonna get… But when I use “just a little bit of faith,” the mustard seed goes into action!
Today, just use your “mustard seed faith,” and see what God does!! Just take that small “mustard seed step of faith,” and that’s all you have to do!! Have a great day!