“Be Not Weary in Well Doing…” Galatians 6:9
We all get tired of “well doing…” Sometimes, people don’t appreciate it, or they take advantage of us. But, we must keep on. I grew up in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, and we attended a country church. The Pastor was Ray Kauffman. Our family was poor (although we didn’t realize it at the time) and my father was a heavy drinker. Many times, when we wanted to go to church, and our “tires were flat,” the Pastor would take his tires off and put them on our car. Many times he would hand my mother some food, or money, as she was going out the door. With five kids to feed, we were living from day to day. But it was the kindness of this country Pastor, who won my father’s heart and got him to come to church. “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Galatians 6:9
P.S. Pastors like that are hard to find, nowadays.