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Sherry Burnette, founder of Love A Child continues to add hungry children to thier feeding programs, Child Sponsorship programs and medical outreaches in Haiti.

Word from the Mission Field – 04-26-16

Years ago, when we moved to Haiti, we lived high in the mountains…the road “up” was so, so steep. One day, as I was walking down, I met a poor Haitian who was carrying the biggest basket I had ever seen in my life! It was full of dirt and plants. His clothes and face were covered with sweat. He said that the “basket was so heavy,” that when he put it down, he would have to wait until someone came along to help him. Today, you may be carrying a “very heavy load.” The weight is too much for you, but the Bible says, “Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee…” Psalm 55:22 – He is waiting right there, ready to “carry your heavy load.” Sherry

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