“Out of the pig-pen…” Part Two
Yesterday, we learned about the two sons in the 15th chapter of Luke. The one son who worked in “pig pens” had to make a decision… Years ago, while we were ministering on street corners, one of our precious “saint of God” partners, Sister Thomas, ended up in the hospital. She had been a “Bible believing mama” and preaching the Gospel for years. When Bobby went to see her, she turned back away and began sobbing and crying so hard. She said, “Brother Bobby, years ago, I drank heavy, and have not done that for years…but now, I have started drinking again, and I cannot go back to church, or preach on the streets again.” Bobby said very sternly, “Sister Thomas, get up out of the ‘pig-pen,’ and ask God to forgive you, and go back to work for God!!!” That one message was what she needed to hear. We all make mistakes, we sin and even mess our lives up… But, we cannot “stay in the pig-pen.” God forgives every day! God bless you, Sherry
P.S. Sister Thomas repented, got out of the hospital and continued to minister until she went to be with the Lord.