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Word from the Mission Field – 08-15-17

Word from the Mission Field – 08-15-17

“Job’s God” – Part Two:

In the 50s, a great man of God named Jack Coe used to sing a song that said, “Thou God slay me, yet will serve Him…” He was talking about Job. After God allowed Satan to test Job, losing everything he had, his livestock, his wealth, his children, his health, and last of all, his friends…those who should have prayed with him and encouraged him. (The only thing he had left was a nagging wife, who told him to “curse God and die!”)  I cannot understand how Job could bear this trial. He had no Bible, no television set, no iPad, no cell phone to listen to, no church to attend, no revivals, nothing. All he had was “his faith in a God he had never seen,” and yet Job had a revelation that told him, “When He hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.” Job 23:10 – And he did…God healed Job, and blessed him so much that in his latter days, he had 14,000 sheep, six thousand camels, 100 yoke of oxen, and 100 donkeys. He became very rich because all his friends gave him gifts of gold. God also gave him seven sons and three daughters, and he lived to see four generations of “Jobs!” If you are in a trial, hang in there…God is going to bring you “forth as gold!” God bless you, Sherry

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