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Word from the Mission Field – 08-30-17

The Alabaster Box – Part one… Luke 7:36-48 – This story is so heart breaking and touching to me. Jesus gets an invitation to the house of a Pharisee called Simon. (According to the law, the Jewish leaders were not allowed to eat with the common people nor have anything to do with them, nor talk to a woman, especially “this woman.”)  We see in verse 37 that while Jesus was sitting to eat meat, (sitting on his knees with his bare feet out in back) a sinner woman, yes, a prostitute, when she knew Jesus was sitting to eat meat in the Pharisee’s house, brought an Alabaster box of ointment… (She had no doubt, heard of Jesus or His words touched her heart.)

“And stood at his feet behind him weeping, and began to wash his feet with tears, and did wipe them with the hairs of her head, and kissed his feet, and anointed them with the ointment.”

Perhaps it was revealed to her that one day soon, this Savior would be nailed to a cross and the closest thing she could touch now was His bare feet, dirty and dusty from the walk in open sandals. She wept so much that her tears were like water; she kissed His feet and poured expensive oil on them from her Alabaster Box. I imagine everyone in the room heard her weeping, and they were embarrassed.

We, even as Christians, would probably automatically “talk bad about her, condemn her, or judge her.” Simon, the Pharisee, immediately condemns her in his heart, and what does Jesus say? Think about this, read tomorrow’s word. God bless you. Sherry

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