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Sherry Burnette, founder of Love A Child continues to add hungry children to thier feeding programs, Child Sponsorship programs and medical outreaches in Haiti.

Word from the Mission Field: 6-5-16 6:00 AM

Trust: King David wrote, Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God.” Psalm 20:7 — No, we don’t use chariots or horses when we go to battle, we battle different things such as health problems, problems with our children, our neighbors, our enemies, but it is the same. When we have a problem, we cannot put our trust in “things,” or in “people,” or in anything else. The Lord is our trust. He is our security and He is our “problem fixer.” Don’t trust in “horses or chariots” when you go to battle, trust in the Lord! Sherry

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