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Word from the Mission Field:  12-9-17  6:00 AM

Word from the Mission Field: 12-9-17 6:00 AM

“Launch Out into the Deep.”

God’s people are “risk-takers.” The Bible says that the disciples of Jesus had been fishing and caught nothing. (We all have felt that way!) But Jesus said, “Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.” Luke 5:4 Maybe we have all felt that way. “Well it didn’t work before, but by faith, I am just going to trust in God this time.” Abraham left his home and took his family to a land he had never been to before. He didn’t have a GPS or a map. All he had was the “voice of God and faith.” Moses led a million people across the desert, not knowing where they would find food and water. Today, don’t be afraid to “make your dream come true.” Step out and be a “risk-taker,” and trust the Lord to “give you so much, that it will break your net!” Have a Jesus-filled day! Sherry

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