From Sherry's Journal

Love A Child and AmeriCares

March 5-14, 2014


“Anpil men, chay pa lou…”
“With many hands the load is not heavy…”

Many organizations turn their heads and thoughts in another direction when the subject of Cholera in Haiti is mentioned, but not AmeriCares. All of us at Love A Child are very grateful to AmeriCares for their ongoing support to meet the needs of Haitians suffering with this infection. We would simply not be able to continue this outreach without their assistance. In order to fight Cholera in this community, we must keep the Cholera Treatment Center stocked with medication, sanitation supplies, IV tubing, Angiocath catheters and serum.



Thanks to the generous donations from AmeriCares, the Cholera Treatment Center is well equipped and able to meet the high patient demands.



Love A Child and AmeriCares are partnering to save lives.


The donations we receive from AmeriCares are all greatly appreciated. Recently we were surprised when we received a much needed megaphone. This tool helps us reach large groups in our community and the regions beyond when we conduct our training seminars. Love A Child provides community health seminars on hygiene, Cholera and nutrition. The megaphone makes it much more efficient to present this material to large groups. Haitians do not understand the importance of proper sanitation and we make every effort to teach them how to do this. Love A Child staff members repeat these health seminars many times, and people eventually understand and take the necessary steps required for proper hygiene. These seminars are saving lives.



These types of classes help stop Cholera and other illnesses that are spread because of poor hygiene.



Recently, there was an outbreak of Cholera in Miracle Village and Love A Child took proactive steps to stop the disease. Our team quickly put kits together to share with residents at a seminar that explained the role hygiene plays in stopping Cholera. Each kit included two bottles of Clorox, a cloth and some instructions. As each resident left the seminar, he or she was given a kit for cleaning contaminated areas.



Clorox is known as the “Cholera killer” and will prevent it from spreading in most cases. It is a blessing to these families as they leave the seminar to receive a hygiene pack that has materials to prevent this deadly disease from spreading.



At the Cholera Treatment Center, Clorox is used to help prevent the spreading of bacteria. Some beneficial preventive steps include spraying those entering and exiting the clinic, and having the floors and bathrooms cleaned with Clorox several times a day.



Love A Child gives a big THANK YOU to AmeriCares for all the bottles of Clorox, brushes, buckets, mops, IV tubing, and Angiocath catheters that have been given to help us continue to treat the poorest of the poor in Haiti.

God bless you,


“Those who give to the poor will lack nothing.”  Proverbs 28:27

Posted in Sherry's Journal