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A Little Joy in the Midst of Danger…

A Little Joy in the Midst of Danger…

Haiti is in its roughest hour, more than ever before. Gangs are on the streets, with high-powered guns and are blocking roads and robbing the poor. The cost of food has risen so much. It was difficult for these mothers to make it to the Birthing Center, but they took the chance. Sitting there, waiting for the doctor, they have time to think about “how are they going to make it home safely,” and “what will they feed their children when they get there?” We are so thankful to World Vision which has given us many wonderful gifts to share with the women and children of Haiti.

Today, you would have laughed if you had seen mothers “hugging a stuffed animal,” and laughing and having a good time! Adults in Haiti are just like children! We are thankful for them to “have a little joy in the midst of danger.” Thank you, World Vision, and God bless you for all the wonderful things you have sent to the poor in Haiti!

Thank you also to our partners, who help sponsor the Birthing Center each month!!! All the mothers wish they could give you a “hug!”


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