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A Merry Heart Doeth Good Like a Medicine…

That’s exactly how we feel! We see so many mothers coming to our Birthing Center, and most of them have problems. Their husbands don’t have a job; they cannot pay the school bill; they’re afraid of the gangs in Haiti, etc.

But when we give them a small “gift,” they light up and forget about their problems! These nice plastic “water/juice containers” are a luxury for the poor. Usually, “if they can’t eat it, they can’t afford to buy it!” Our friends at World Vision and Cardinal Health recently gave us “a lot of these plastic containers.” We are sharing them with our Birthing Center mothers and with those who come to our Jesus Healing Center first,” and then we’ll share them with others coming for monthly food distributions!

The mothers who come to our Birthing Center know that they will be receiving “first-class care.” At this time, we have extra saj fams (midwives) at our Birthing Center. They are coming for their clinical to serve and learn from our experienced midwives. Sometimes we have four moms or more giving birth at the same time, and sometimes less. We never close! Babies can’t wait!

Thanks to all of you who send in baby clothing, baby blankets, birthing kits, and clothes for mothers! There is no greater joy than giving to the poor!!! God bless you, each one, and thank you so much for your gifts!!!



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