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Babies Will Be Coming Soon!

Malnutrition Center update:

We just put the septic tank in and are now working on the drain fields. Tomorrow the power box will be installed.

Next step: We need to purchase, in America, all the furnishings for the inside of the Malnutrition Center. We have not received any funds for the furnishings. Total cost will be around $14,000 to complete. Please pray…

We want to thank Joyce Meyer MinistriesHand of Hope for the funds to build the HOH Malnutrition Center. What a wonderful blessing!

Note: Right across the street (20 feet away) is the new Jesus Healing Center being built. Joyce Meyer Ministries – Hand of Hope supports 100% each month all the expense of running the clinic… Doctors, nurses, and staff comes to around 39 people, in addition to food, medicines, and supplies… Thank you, Joyce Meyer Ministries – Hand of Hope!

By faith, mothers and babies will be coming soon who are severely malnourished and near death.

Love is something you do!

Bobby and Sherry Burnette

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