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Daniella… A Future Ophthalmologist

Daniella is now 19. She and her twin brother, Daniel, were supposed to be triplets. But at the time they were born, there were a lot of problems in Haiti… Some men with guns were on the streets, and some of them blocked access to the General Hospital in Port-au-Prince. The mother birthed twins, a boy and a girl, and died with the third child.

The twins were brought to our Orphanage, and we were asked if we would take them in… and we did!

Both children are now 19 and shy. Daniel has a bad eye disease, which will require him to go to the Dominican Republic for eye care. Daniella is in good health… She is getting ready to go to college but is not sure if she can take all the medical subjects she needs in Haiti. She wants to be an Ophthalmologist. She wants to be able to treat eye diseases because of her brother Daniel. He has had so many problems with his eyes that he has failed several grades.

Both of these children are so sweet and kind, loving and humble! We pray that we can find a college to send Daniella to so that she can fulfill her dream!


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