As you may have heard, the people of Haiti are undergoing some of the harshest hunger and starvation they have had in many years, due to the political turmoil and violent disruptions occurring throughout the country.
Thanks to God and our donors, we are able to help by giving out more than 25,000,000 meals per year to those in need. With these immediate meals, we try to get the hungry children and their families from point “A” to point “B”. Once they are stabilized, we can then focus on helping them have food for life through our “development for sustainability” outreaches, like the Gwo Maché Mirak (Grand Miracle Market), the Agricultural Training Center (ATC), Farmer John’s slaughterhouse, and the Poul Mirak Chicken School. Through these programs, our donors help them go from receiving aid to helping themselves in the long term.
The ATC sustainable gardening training courses have been very important and just in the past two weeks we have had very nice comments and testimonial “thank you’s” from 3 of our past students telling us that even though the country is shut down from all the violence, they and their communities are thriving because of the gardening skills they learned at our ATC. Praise God. Give a man a fish he eats for a day, or teach him how to fish so he can feed his family for a lifetime.
Rad Hazelip – Assistant Executive Director of Love A Child