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Food Shortage in Haiti

Food is and has been a shortage in Haiti. Due to this problem, there are more malnourished babies than ever before. Usually, this is caused by the mother being in poor health and unable to nurse her baby, or perhaps she has had another child soon after the first one. In that case, the second child is more vulnerable. There are two types of malnutrition… Kwashiorkor and Marasmus.

We are so excited about our new Malnutrition Center, which allows mothers or a family member to live with the child until they have attained their correct weight. We hope to have a program set up to teach mothers a trade so that when they leave, they can have a way of providing food for their children.

We are so extremely grateful to Joyce Meyer MinistriesHand of Hope for sponsoring the building of this new Malnutrition Center. This is right across the street from our new Jesus Healing Center. Joyce Meyer Ministries – Hand of Hope sponsors the “operating cost” of our clinic each month. We do not have the words to say “thank you” to their organization or to thank our partners who have given towards the construction of the new “Jesus Healing Center.” We are going forward by faith! Bobby and Sherry

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