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Four More Little Citizens!

Four More Little Citizens!

Here are four more little Haitian citizens who just arrived two days ago!! Thankfully, their mothers didn’t die in childbirth, like so many other poor mothers in Haiti, and thankfully, these little ones will not be in the system of “four more little ones” going to an orphanage!

Each year in Haiti, mothers are dying. Some die due to the fact that they have high blood pressure and no medication, and others die due to unsanitary conditions in their “mud huts.” I know. I have seen a baby delivered in a mud hut, and everything happened so fast, I was in shock! I remember the father reaching under his old, dirty mattress and taking out a rusty razor blade, and handing it to the local “midwife” (not trained). Before I could say anything, she cut the cord. Since there were no clean clothes or towels, she reached back in the corner of the hut and pulled out some dirty clothes to stop the bleeding. That was my first wake-up call to the fact that mothers die in childbirth here in Haiti, “every single day!”

That is why we built our beautiful Birthing Center. We have a “Women’s Teaching Center,” so that they can learn “not to drink those strong Haitian teas that cause the baby to come fast, and the mother’s blood pressure to go up!” They learn about Birth Control, and how to care for their babies and children. These women have come far, to come to our Birthing Center. They walk, they ride motorcycles, and they ride donkeys! When they have their baby, it is in a clean, beautiful birthing room, with lots of experienced midwives! They have a nice bed to recover in and “families who have come from far,” can stay in the Birthing Center Guest House and have food. Then, the wonderful part, is that we are one of the very few Birthing Centers in Haiti that provide “Birth Certificates!”

God bless our wonderful partners who sacrificed to build this beautiful Birthing Center for the poor! May God Bless you, abundantly!

Bobby and Sherry

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