Zachary has been going through the “terrible twos” since he was born, and he’s not even two yet!
Zachary’s mother was, and probably still is, deeply involved in Voodoo. She brought him to our Jesus Healing Center when he was about one month old. He was covered with sores. Our doctor examined his mother, and when he did, he realized that he was dealing with a “very strange woman.” Afterward, he examined the baby, who was crying constantly. His mother showed “no affection” for him, whatsoever. After talking to this strange woman and giving her medicine, he found out that she had “several children die” and one little girl was “missing.” We took the mother back to her house, along with some nurses who lived in her area. When we arrived with her, the neighbor came out and said, “Take that baby away from her. She has already threatened him with a butcher’s knife!” We called the Department of Social Services and they said, “Take the baby away from her and leave.” And we did! Zachary has been with us ever since.
He has always been a “fussy” baby, and there were times that I almost felt like “giving up” on him… However, today, he went from “baby bottles to basketballs!” I say, “Thank you, Jesus!” Regardless, we love this little “stinker!” Sherry