We had a great board meeting and discussed our plans for the future. Bobby and Pastor Mark gave wonderful updates on the progress of our new Jesus Healing Center, our Malnutrition Center, and other projects. The Malnutrition Center building is being sponsored by Joyce Meyer Ministries – Hand of Hope, and we are so excited and thankful!
David George gave a tremendous report on his trip to the Dominican Republic; the school “backpack” distribution for poor children there in the bateys and the other outreaches of our church in the DR. David George and his partners “partner together with us” in the Dominican Republic and in many projects in Haiti. This has helped us do so much more!!
Bobby and I will be leaving for the DR on Wednesday for four days, and then back to Haiti! We have six “food distributions” in impoverished areas to do as soon as we get back, so we have lots of work to do.
These few days have given us a little relief from the burdens of Haiti, but we cannot stay away…the responsibilities are great! Thank you and God bless you, Partners!
Bobby and Sherry