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God’s Little Angels

“God’s Little Angels…”

Just look at our little visitors!!!  Look at these sweeties who have “come to join” us this past week! Each morning, mothers come to our Birthing Center. Before they are allowed to see the doctor, they must attend our  “Mothers Training Classes.” These classes teach mothers how to take care of their health, feed their children when there is little food, what food is good for them, and, most importantly, birth control. (It looks like some mothers missed some of the classes!! Ha!)

The majority of Haitian women and men do not believe in abortion. They believe children are a blessing, even though they are poor. They know that some or most of their children will become their “social security” because there is nothing to take care of them in their old age, except their children.

You may look at these babies, thinking, “why didn’t they take birth control,” but there are social customs involved, which many people do not understand. While many women “are” on birth control, some aren’t or perhaps came too late to the Birthing Center to obtain this. (The mountain people are different from everyone else.)

But we do know one thing for sure…this Birthing Center is saving lives…the lives of mothers, who otherwise would have had their baby on a dirt floor, with a rusty razor blade. That makes “more orphans” in Haiti.

We love this project, and we love the joy of delivering these babies in a clean, beautiful environment. We believe the Lord is smiling when He looks down on His creations, “God’s Little Angels!”


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