A few weeks ago, we “graduated our first four babies” from our Malnutrition Center! You can see the big difference in Jenifer, Jeffrey, Wisley, and Woodmigen! They were in our Malnutrition Center for a little over two months in “in-patient” care. Then, they went home with special “milk,” special “peanut butter,” and other food items that we will have to buy from overseas.
These babies, more than likely, would have died had they not come to our Malnutrition Center. They have to come back every week and be checked “head to toe” and weighed and measured to make sure they are taking the foods we sent home. They must bring back the “old wrappers,” to show us that they used the food. This part is called “out-patient.”
We now have almost 50 babies in out-patient care at this moment and some live “very far away.” It takes time to teach Haitian mothers, (especially those from the mountains), about using foods that grow near them, which have vitamins. Education is the tool.
We are thankful to Joyce Meyer Ministries – Hand of Hope, who sponsored our Malnutrition Center building and sponsored the furnishings. In addition, we wish to thank Mark and Jesse Ostrander, Bryan Ray, Jhon Eddy, and his Haitian team for all their hard work, “first-class!” And, we wish to thank every one of you who has given small or large gifts to help sponsor the clinic! Everyone is so appreciative of this and especially the babies!!!
And, special thanks to Lori, at Real Hope for Haiti, for helping us, guiding us, and even giving us some of the products we needed to start! Thank you so much, Lori!!
God bless you from Haiti,
Bobby and Sherry Burnette