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Instability in Haiti: 11-26-18 10:10 AM

This week has been so strenuous on all the missionaries here in Haiti… the riots, the instability of Haiti, burning tires, roadblocks, gunfire, and many people dissatisfied with the government. This is the “younger generation,” who have no jobs, not the older Haitian people. Haiti has 85 percent unemployment, no jobs, no money, and no future. Schools are closed. It affects no one more “than the poorest of the poor.” There are 73 “gourdes” to the US Dollar now when it used to be 30-35 gourdes to the Dollar. This instability has made the price of food skyrocket! Just think, these poor mothers travel from the mountains to the city, to try to sell a few vegetables, or charcoal, or whatever they have, in order to buy food for their families. It’s hard on the Haitian businessman. It breaks the hearts of all missionaries here in Haiti, but Jesus never said, “It would be easy.” We put all our trust in Him. Thank you for your prayers. Bobby and Sherry

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