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It’s All Hands on Deck For This Container of FMSC Meals

These are some of the workers in our Kingdom Connection Food Distribution Center. Others work in another area of Love A Child; however, we pulled them from their jobs to help pack food. We just received two containers of the Feed My Starving Children rice mixture! Praise the Lord!

The rice mixture came in large sacks, to make it easier for distribution, we had our workers re-pack them. We put five pounds of rice in each bag. Then, we will put four bags in each box. All of the Haitians love this delicious food, which is also rich in vitamins and necessary nutrients. We are also getting a large food delivery for a large feeding program we have but we cannot tell you where it will be because of the danger. There are gangs on the roads who could steal the food and our trucks, or endanger the safety of our team. We will be sure to let you know the location at a later date!

This is a large hot meal feeding program serving 1,000 children and adults. We pray every time we go to this location. All over Haiti, children are hungry. We return to some areas and also do our best to reach new areas so that the people and children don’t feel that no one loves them. We just ask the Lord that, no matter where we go, we are protected.

We will give a report as soon as we can. We are still packing to depart in a few days!
God bless all our friends and partners!

Bobby and Sherry

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