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One Box of Food

“Just One Box of Food…”

We first met the “Tisson family” about a year ago while doing a feeding program at the garbage dump in Truttier. We had just finished giving food to over 300 families and decided to visit some of them. This one family had not yet received any food, and they were very hungry…

We talked to them for a while about their life… it was a miserable life. The children had not been to school. Mr. Tisson dug through the garbage each day to try to find food or something to sell; especially any little “wires” or pieces of light bulbs, etc.

Their first “tent home” was bad enough. It was so hot that day and sweat ran down our faces and onto our backs… flies covered every inch of the dirt floor where they slept, and rats were running around. We hated to leave them. All we had was “one box of food” and a little money on us. We gave them what we had and prayed with them… I told Mr. Tisson to stay in touch with us and to use some of the money to buy a tiny cheap cell phone so that he could contact us.

Later, heavy rains came and tore their tent home apart. They went “from bad to worse.” He had purchased a small cell phone, but because they had no food, he sold it… we lost contact with them…

Then, two weeks ago, we got a call from one of the “leaders” of the garbage dump. He said that Madamn Tisson was so sick that they were afraid she would die. He wanted money to send her to the hospital, but we were afraid the money would not get to her, so we decided to “bring the whole family in.” We never told them we had anything for them. We told them that we wanted them all to go to our Jesus Healing Center.

Madamn Tisson was so sick. She had a bad infection from breathing in the huge piles of burning garbage, as well as other major health problems. All of the children were sick. After taking them to our clinic, we brought them in and served them a hot meal. Then, we gave them some clothes and toys for the children and put them in our truck and took them to Miracle Village. We remembered that we had “one house” that we had built, but that the family could not come for some reason… but “God had saved it for the Tisson family!”

We gathered up clothes for them and bought a charcoal stove, etc. They were so happy!!! We left them food and money to get whatever they needed. Madamn Tisson had told us that she bought sandals for the children because “they had never had a pair of sandals.”

Now, they have a clean house “next to a water pump!” They have access to a medical clinic and a school for their children… and oh yes, we gave Mr. Tisson a job! Last Sunday, Kaeli took them to church, and as soon as church started, they raised their hands and said, “We want to be saved!”

Sometimes we fail to do something because all we have to offer is “something small” (like the widow’s mite). That day, all we had to offer them was a box of food and little money… not enough for a house, or medical care, or clothes, or anything… but God can take your “something little” and do great things with it!

Thank you, partners, for changing these lives!!! God bless you, according to Psalms 41:1-3!!!

You did good!!! Have a great day! Bobby and Sherry

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