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One Good Meal on Sunday

One Good Meal on Sunday

Eight-month-old Hans Terrane is the youngest of six children. The family lives in a small dwelling made of rusty metal sheets… hot in the summer. In the rainy season, water falls between the pieces of tin and the dwelling is covered with water. But that’s not the problem with the baby. Hans is suffering from acute malnutrition. His father is an irresponsible man. He does not care for his children. The baby’s mother, Madamn Eracul, struggles to feed them. The family often faces hunger each week. They try to have “one good meal” on Sunday. No, this doesn’t mean ham or baked chicken… It just means, “a small portion of rice and beans.”

Hans, being the youngest, always gets the smallest portion of whatever is left. As a result, he began to be “very small.” His hair was falling out and his arms and legs were swollen. But, his mother, Madamn Eracul, did nothing. Perhaps she thought the baby was sick and would get well. Neighbors began to notice the baby and told her to take him to our clinic. When his mother realized how bad he was, she borrowed money to take him to our Jesus Healing Center. The poor baby could not sit up by himself. His growth was stunted. He only weighed 3.4 kg.

“One good meal on Sunday,” does not mean that a Haitian child is in good health. Now, Hans will have to be in our Malnutrition Clinic until he reaches the weight that is normal for him. They will start by feeding the baby a special formula that we have to order. After that, when he starts to get his health back, we will feed him with our “Feed My Starving Children” formula!

When he reaches his desired weight, he will be in our “outpatient” care. That means, his mother will have to bring him each month to be weighed, measured, and checked by our doctor. But, it also means that “mom” will be leaving with a big box of food, 216 meals, all because someone “gave.” We may never know all the children’s names we have helped, but knowing that they survived is a great thing!

When you eat your “good meal today… Sunday,” think about those who have very little, in countries like Haiti. We pray that God blesses you abundantly according to Psalms 41:1-3.

There are “Seven Supernatural Promises” to those who help the poor. God bless you and remember the poor today. You should not feel “guilty, just grateful!”


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