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Our Malnutrition Center Clinic…

Our Malnutrition Center Clinic…

We are so thankful the Lord has allowed us to build a beautiful Malnutrition Center Clinic for babies, toddlers, and young children. This Malnutrition Center was only a “dream,” but it happened! We want to thank Joyce Meyer Ministries – Hand of Hope for sponsoring this building project!

Up until this Clinic was built, we had nowhere close to us to send these babies. If we gave mothers money for transportation, they would spend it on food for their other children and never spend the money on the Malnutrition Clinic!

You will notice that there are some children in the picture who have red hair and swollen bellies, and others look really good!

The babies and children have to reach the right “weight” they are supposed to weigh for their age. Then, they go into another program where the mother brings them back each week for a check-up. There are special “baby foods” and “baby milk” they must take each day, but in addition, we send home Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) food. When babies are extremely malnourished, they cannot eat anything except for a special milk formula (which is very expensive and hard to get)! But, when they go home, they still have other foods and can gradually eat the FMSC food. In the meantime, the mother also cooks this FMSC food for her other children. If we did not send this, they would all be eating the special “baby formula foods,” and the child would end up again in our Malnutrition Clinic.

If you notice, the babies are dressed very well, with new clothes and even a beautiful new colorful “play blanket.” All these nice clothes came from our Love A Child partners!

We also want to thank those who help each month with the ongoing expense of running this Malnutrition Center… food, paying the doctors, nurses, cleaning team, etc.

See what happens when we work together… We save little lives!

Thank you, and God bless you.

Bobby and Sherry Burnette

P.S. We are not “meeting our monthly budget” financially, so if you would like to help with this project monthly, any amount, call our office at (239) 210-6107 or write to Love A Child… be sure to tell them that your gift is “For the Malnutrition Clinic!”

Please mail letters and contributions to:

Love A Child, Inc.
PO Box 60063
Fort Myers, Florida 33906-6063

Thank you, and may God bless you.

Posted in Latest News