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Word from the Mission Field – 09-16-16

“By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went.” Hebrews 11:8 – The heroes of our faith all lived simply believing in an invisible God whom they could[…]

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Food brings hope

Food brings hope – 09-15-16

When a Haitian child’s hair turns red, it is the first sign of malnutrition. Their eyes and fingernails often show signs too. Many times, those “swollen bellies” are full of worms. Malnourished children are lifeless and without joy. Food brings hope. Please help in any way you can to feed[…]

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Dimelia Update

Dimelia Update – 09-15-16

Dimelia’s surgery date has been changed to October 12th. After that, she will be released into the care of her host mom. Please remember her in your prayers. Sherry

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Love A Child Founders, Bobby & Sherry Burnette

Thank you Board of Directors: 9-15-16 12:00 PM

Today, we just finished our Love A Child Board Meeting for this quarter. Our accounting firm presented our audit for 2015. We received a great “report card!” We are doing very well! God has blessed us with many projects to help the poor and we have a wonderful Board of[…]

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Word from the Mission Field – 09-15-16

“Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceedingly glad: for great is your reward in heaven…” Matthew 5:11-12 – If you are going to do something for the Lord, you[…]

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Feeding Poor Children

Feeding Poor Children – 09-14-16

God has called us to feed and care for the children living in Haiti. He first called us as missionaries to preach the Gospel, but when we saw the condition of these children, we were “moved with compassion” as Jesus was when he fed the five thousand. We know we[…]

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TiWa's First Day of School

TiWa’s First Day of School: 9-14-16 1:30 PM

“The first day of school…” TiWa is one of the children that attend one of our Love A Child schools. He is just three, but kids start early in Haiti. (“Thank you dear God!”) All children must have uniforms, shoes, schoolbooks, and much more to attend school. Most Haitian children[…]

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Looking for professional volunteers: 9-14-16 11:15 AM

Love A Child is looking for professional volunteers to commit to one year of work in Haiti. We need an English Teacher and a Music Teacher (guitar, keyboard, etc). We also need a Photographer, a Construction Worker, a Plumber, an Electrician, a Diesel Mechanic, and General Maintenance help, and we[…]

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Sherry with baby in Medical Clinic

Word from the Mission Field – 09-14-16

“God Will Get Your Attention” In 2 Samuel 14:29-31, the story is told of Absalom, David’s son, sending for Joab, David’s sergeant, but Joab would not come. So Absalom set fire to Joab’s barley fields to get his attention. Joab immediately went. Sometimes, when God calls us and we don’t[…]

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Update on Dimelia, Miliana and Dieubon

Update on Dimelia, Miliana and Dieubon – 09-13-16

On September 20th, Dimelia will have another surgery on her chest area. She was badly burned at a young age and has been to the Shriners Hospital several times through the years for surgeries to release scar tissue. God has His hand upon her life. Miliana is still under the[…]

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