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This morning, early, Sherry and I had a meeting to attend. Jackson comes running out to open the door for Mommie Sherry. He is such a gentleman. Actually, many of the boys try to open Sherry’s door, even my door! Ha! We never open our doors. Their future girlfriends will[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Our Only Hope is in the Lord…” Each day here in Haiti is another day God has kept us alive! If we go out of our Love A Child gate and go 15 miles up the road or more, we will be in gang territory. Today, there were some Haitian[…]

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Jackson… Always Smiling!

Jackson is doing well, still on a very tough diet for life, and he has to have dialysis each night! Anytime we travel with him and have to spend the night, we have to take a LARGE amount of dialysis bags, special diet foods, and his nurses who have to[…]

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Fun and Exercise at Pastor Claude’s Orphanage

Pastor Claude has a large orphanage, about seven miles from us! We often go there with some of our kids, so they can fellowship with his children! Pastor Claude’s large orphanage is a blessing! With the help of David George World Ministries and our partners, like you, we built Pastor[…]

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Matching Gift Challenge Update:

We want to give you an update on our current Matching Gift Challenge, which expires in only 9 days.  The Challenge started last week and only lasts until the day before Thanksgiving. We don’t have much time left! An anonymous donor hopes you will match his gift towards our “Solar[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“TWO PATHWAYS TO TRAVEL…” Matthew 7:13-14 talks about two pathways to travel on. The straight gate (narrow gate) or the wide gate, broad is the way. I remember when I was around 17 years old after I gave my heart to Jesus, my former friends were trying to pull me away back into the world.[…]

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Widlene Loves to Cook!

Widlene is in her “element” cooking!! She is in her second year of college to become a professional cook! I can’t wait to see her making wedding cakes! For the last few years, she has always been “trying out new recipes on us!” She has been with us since she[…]

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Medical Staff Housing

“MEDICAL STAFF HOUSE.” We want to give a special thank you to an anonymous family who sponsored the building of our beautiful medical staff house! All these people stay here, except four, who work here. The road has been too dangerous for the staff to travel back and forth to Port-au-Prince.[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Relentless.” There are several stories told in the Bible about “how to pray.” In Luke 11:1-4, Jesus is teaching on the “Lord’s Prayer.” But then, he goes to another story about a man who had need of three loaves of bread for his visitors. The man of the house, wouldn’t[…]

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Babies Can’t Wait!

We had “six babies,” come into the world yesterday! That means that these mothers “did not give birth on a dirt floor,” inside a mud hut! It means that “instead of someone cutting the cord with a rusty razor blade or a broken piece of glass,” these poor mothers were[…]

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