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Rachael… She was so tiny and beautiful when she was a baby. We thought that “Rachael” fitted her better than Nazaline, so she is called by both names… (all Haitians have nicknames anyway!) Rachael’s mother was very sick, weak, and frail… We were told that her mother died in childbirth,[…]

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The Story of Baby Yveline

Baby Yveline is just one of the many lives that “you” have made an impact on! In fact, you can say, “I helped save Baby Yveline’s life!” Her parents had a hard time finding food for this child. There were often days “with no food at all,” and when they[…]

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Matching Gift Challenge: Giving Thanks…

Giving Thanks . . . . As we all prepare for this week of Thanksgiving, we think about how thankful we are for so many of you who are always faithful to join us in helping “the least of these” in Haiti. Now, we are focusing on these last 3[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. The Lord is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in Him.” Lamentations 3:22-24 Forget about how you may have messed up yesterday.[…]

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Update on Jackson

Jackson, the young boy we found in the mountains of Savaan Pit, Haiti, during a Mobile Clinic, is doing well, except for a few problems. He had Kwashiorkor Malnutrition when we found him! Jackson has been on a pediatric dialysis machine for about a year and a half now. (This machine[…]

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Update on Jackson

Jackson, the young boy we found in the mountains of Savaan Pit, Haiti, during a Mobile Clinic, is doing well, except for a few problems. He had Kwashiorkor Malnutrition when we found him! Jackson has been on a pediatric dialysis machine for about a year and a half now. (This machine[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“No Place for Scaredy-cats!” When I was a child, living in the hills of Pennsylvania, us kids would often play games and try to scare each other! We would hide in the dark behind a tree and jump out and scare someone and holler, “scaredy-cat!” Lots of times it was[…]

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Betina… She Still Loves Dolls!

Betina was brought to us after the 2010 earthquake by the Social Services Department of Haiti. Since there was not enough food for her family, her parents abandoned her. She was rescued by some nice Haitian Social Services workers. She cares little about sports or other things, but she “loves[…]

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Here is Hubert’s team unloading 800 sacks of premium rice for the families of South Haiti. They also just unloaded beans and cooking oil. We are waiting for more pictures. Parts of South Haiti are desperate for food. Our hearts go out to them. Thank you, Hubert, and our Love[…]

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Word From the Mission Field

“If God be for us… who can be against us?” – Romans 8:31 What a powerful thought! I’m sure you have enemies too. Maybe your enemies are “unseen,” like an attack by evil spirits. Some enemies are enemies simply because they are jealous of you. And there are enemies who[…]

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