This is our newest school building going up at our Love A Child School here in Fond Parisien, Haiti. This year, in this one school alone, we have nearly one thousand elementary and high school students. The classrooms, which should only hold 40 students, are severely overcrowded. We are forced to have school classes under tents...
In Haiti, there are millions of people that we consider “the poorest of the poor.” Every day as we travel throughout Haiti delivering food, or having a mobile medical clinic, we serve these poor Haitians. Yet there is so much more that we can do with your help. Read Sherry’s Journal today to learn how...
Each month we share "our food" with many other missionary organizations and schools. When Bobby and I first moved to Haiti, we found only one organization that would only give us a small bag of rice each month and then, we had to pay "a portion" back to cover their shipping expenses. Each month, because...
Be sure to read "Sherry's Journal" today. It will open your eyes to the plight of the poor here in Haiti. Be watching for the newest one... God bless you. Sherry
"He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will he pay him again." Proverbs 19:17 - The Lord pays better interest than the bank! Bobby
This little girl lives high in the mountains of Peyi Pouri where we have a school and church. On Friday, we will be traveling there to do a special feeding program for the children who are in great need living in this poor area. Hunger is unmerciful here in Haiti and other third world countries. We can’t...
“The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me…” Psalm 138:8 – What a simple scripture, and also a great promise. God will see to it, personally, that He will bring to pass everything needed to make your life what He wants it to be - blessings, meeting the right people, having the right job, buying...
God has laid it upon our hearts to expand our feeding programs, and "open our arms wide" to the poor. It is always important to start "small," and let God grow your vision. Our hearts are especially burdened for the children who make and eat dirt cookies in the mountains of Haiti, and those who...
Some people, even Christians, live as if the Lord is never coming back, but He is! The 24th chapter of Matthew tells us of the signs before His return, and they are coming to pass. Everything is getting ready for "His Return." There shall be earthquakes in divers places... (This is just one of the...
It is a full time job raising children in an orphanage in Haiti! For many, you may not know their background, the kind of spiritual or emotional problems they have had in the past, and we have "all ages!" For Bobby and me, these children have been a great blessing. We pray that each one finds Jesus in...