Thank you for all your prayers. The storm has passed over us and we now have blue skies! Gwo Maché Mirak (Grand Miracle Market) had no problems with flooding. The Love A Child Orphanage also had no problems. We are sorry to say six Dominicans lost their lives during the storm as it passed over them....
Miliana, our little girl with all the horrible skin problems, has been diagnosed with Rothmund-Thomson syndrome. However, I personally believe she has something more than that. She has oozing sores, and some growths coming out that look like small "tree trunks," similar to Treeman's Disease. Perhaps this Rothmund-Thomson syndrome has more symptoms than I know about. I am...
“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 – Our light is the light of Jesus. Let your light shine today in the middle of this dark world. Bobby
We are so glad to have Dieubon home here in Haiti with us! He underwent a serious operation for Spina Bifida and is doing great! We want to thank the Shriners Hospital in Tampa, Florida and also his wonderful host parents, Rad and Sandra Hazelip, who are the Executive Directors at Love A Child. He...
Breaking News: It looks like Tropical Storm Earl is trying to form. The National Weather Service is predicting heavy wind and rain for the next 72 hours here in Haiti. The poor families who live in mud huts always suffer the most, and some may lose their lives. Part of our wall by the Jesus...
“Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.” Isaiah 6:8 – This is the great call of the Gospel. “Who will go?” There are fewer and fewer missionaries on the mission field every day, but the harvest...
We believe that having an education and Jesus are the best things in the world! For our Love A Child Orphanage children, we promised all the older children that everyone who "passed" in school would get a treat to go to the beach and have a nice dinner out! A lot of our children passed...
“Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord." Psalm 27:14 — We read in the book of Samuel 13th chapter, that the Prophet Samuel had told Saul to "wait on him, and Samuel would come and do a sacrifice," so that the Lord...
We must always be ready to help in time of need. This child was Catiana. We were told about her severe malnutrition but by the time we could send a vehicle to get her, she had already passed away. Malnutrition and diarrhea kill many children, toddlers and babies in Haiti each year. That's why our...
In the village of Sapaterre, many children and families make and "eat" dirt cookies. These are poor villages where people have no jobs, so they make dirt and mud cookies to sell to hungry children. But now, the gospel has shone into this village and we are now "building a church!" What began as a...