New pictures and a video of Baby Elijah will be coming up later today! You will not believe it! Baby Elijah is too cute and he is indeed a miracle baby! Sherry
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New pictures and a video of Baby Elijah will be coming up later today! You will not believe it! Baby Elijah is too cute and he is indeed a miracle baby! Sherry
“And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple.” Luke 14:27 – I will never forget how I came to the Lord when I was sixteen-years-old, and because of my decision to follow Jesus, the woman who had raised me kicked me out on the street! The Lord wrapped His arms around me and said, “I will be a mother and father unto you.” She was really deep into witchcraft. Find out more from our newly released book – “Love Is Something You Do.” Bobby
“He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes…” I Samuel 2:8 — Just look at young “Shalken,” the little boy who has all those tumors and has suffered so much. He is on the plane headed to the States for tests and examinations for his condition. The pilots let him sit in the cockpit! How do you like that for our “Big, Big God!!!” Sherry
PS: Thank you to all our partners who helped to sponsor his trip!
What a joy it is to know that little Shalken is “on his way” for medical treatment in the arms of Barbara MacMannis, our Medical Administrator at our Jesus Healing Center! Look at the smile on this little guy’s face! God bless our wonderful partners who helped make this trip a miracle and give this little boy “hope!” As soon as they begin their tests and examinations we will keep you posted as things progress. God bless you. Bobby & Sherry
“Do small things with great love.” – Mother Teresa – “He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.” 1 John 4:8 – Love is something you do! – Bobby
A special thanks to our partner Linda Deierling for these adorable “pillowcase dresses” she sent to us. These little sweeties are from another orphanage that we share many blessings with, and the girls were so excited! Sherry
“That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ.” 1 Peter 1:7 – Just think, the trial of our faith is more valuable than gold itself! Bobby
How important is food to a poor mother? This lady’s name is Donese. She has two children and was kicked out of the place where she was living. (Maybe she could not pay the rent.) She went to live with another family and received Feed My Starving Children food from one of the missionaries, Mickie West, that we share our food with each month. We know this food will not meet all of her needs, such as a house, but as the Haitians say, “The food gives us hope.” Without this donated food, they would be digging in the garbage dumps, selling sticks, or maybe even selling one of their children, if they have a large family. Yes, food gives hope! Thank you partners for sharing “your food” with the hungry men, women and children of Haiti! Sherry
The first day I got my Private Pilot’s License, a Bible teacher that I had known came and jumped in the plane with me. I always called him “Mr. Faith!” He was always “real Holy,” and talked at length about faith and always told me I needed more faith all the time. He drove me crazy! But when I took off and hit foul weather, Mr. Faith asked me how long I had my license. I told him, “Just one hour ago!” You won’t believe what Mr. Faith did next. To learn the rest of the story you’ll need to read the book: “Love is Something You Do.” Bobby
We recently took some beautiful, new “handmade clothes” to an orphanage near here called Ebenezer Orphanage. The little girls were thrilled with their “new” dresses made by the JDL Gospel Ministries Church. Pastor Jim Loudermilk was one of Bobby’s best friends, and his work still lives on. Special thanks to Anneice Loudermilk, our dear, dear friend, who has been to Haiti and the Dominican Republic with us on mission trips! Aren’t these little girls cute? Sherry