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A Beacon of Hope!

Where could these poor mothers go to take their children and their family members if it were not for this wonderful “Jesus Healing Center Clinic!” These pictures were taken late in the morning, and already many patients had been seen, but there were still many waiting. Some travel by foot,[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

Live for the future, not the past… “… forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before. I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:13-14 Some people live only in the past. I met a person the other day, and her whole[…]

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What A Sweetie!

Kenzy loves soccer, puzzles, and dominos! His “jobs” at the orphanage include picking up the trash, working in the garden, and helping feed the donkeys! Kenzy’s father died before childbirth, and his mother died “during” childbirth! A Haitian pastor from one of our mountain churches brought him down and asked[…]

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Pray for Haiti and its precious people. Pray for the missionaries, the few who are still here in Haiti. Pray for Sherry and me as we face the daily struggles here. Pray for all our orphan children and the projects that are going on every day. As we face the[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

The Lord told King Jehoshaphat, “Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude; for the battle is not yours, but God’s.” 2 Chronicles 20:15 This morning, I feel within my heart that many of you are facing a battle in your life. The battle may be great, but God is greater! Today,[…]

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“Little” Trouble

Little baby Joshua was also abandoned in front of our security gate, here at Love A Child. At about eleven months old, he was severely malnourished. He could not sit or crawl. From our Jesus Healing Center, he was referred to a children’s hospital. He was released after two weeks.[…]

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A Sunday Afternoon Drive

Maybe you can remember when your parents took you for a “Sunday Afternoon Drive?” Most kids in the States don’t do this now because they are on their phones! But “Poppie Bobby,” tries to take them for a ride around the property on Sunday afternoon. He will also take them[…]

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Little Christie, who looks about nine, has “a heavy load,” on her shoulders. You may think, “the heavy load,” is the huge five-gallon bucket full of water, but Christie’s load is much heavier than that. It’s hard to believe, but Christie and her five siblings were abandoned by “both parents,”[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

BE FAITHFUL IN THE SMALL THINGS:  READ MATTHEW 25: 14-30 Mother Teresa once said, “God has not called me to be successful. He has called me to be faithful”. Everyone wants to do great things and be noticed, but the Lord wants us to learn to be faithful first. Each day,[…]

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Noah… “Death’s Doorstep”

I never thought Noah would live… I know I have shared his story recently, but seeing him in his school uniform is such a miracle for me to see! You see when Noah was a baby, his mother (or relative) abandoned him in the bushes near our front gate. It[…]

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