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“Foubi!” It’s the Haitian Creole word for “scrub!” It doesn’t mean “just pass the mop” and add a little “Mr. Clean” to the water, but it means “scrub hard!” When it comes to “scrubbing hard,” our Haitian kids know how to do this! It requires a lot of water and[…]

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New LAC TV Program “God of Miracles” Begins Today!

Love A Child travels to the impoverished village of Old Letant, where people live in hand-constructed mud huts, children run around without proper clothing, dust covering their malnourished bodies, and mothers desperately look for ways to provide for their families. Bobby shares his testimony, telling of God’s absolute goodness and[…]

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“Blessings and Cursings”

I was reading some scriptures this morning from Jeremiah 17:5-8. We can do some things in life that will turn into blessings… Jeremiah 17: 7-8: “Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is. For he shall be as a tree, planted by the[…]

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Our Dorissant…

This young teenager (13) will go far in his life! He, and the other boys here, work “very hard.” Their job is to rise early and sweep and clean the courtyard and other areas. (We also have two new Rottie puppies, so you can imagine trying to keep up with[…]

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Agricultural Training Center Report:

This came in from Wilner Exil, the head of our ATC. Chinese cabbage… the children, staff, and workers all love it! Popeye the Sailor Man would love it a lot too… yummy and delicious! Thank you to Joe Perkins and your partners with Sustainable Food Development for all the shade[…]

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God Has Chosen “You!”

“According as He hath chosen us on Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love.” – Ephesians 1:4 To me, it is amazing to think that God “chose us” before He laid the foundation of the world! We are[…]

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Rodna’s life was complicated… Her mother died, and we took Rodna in to live with us. Her father had to borrow money for the funeral. When her father could not pay the man he borrowed the money from, he kidnapped her brothers and sisters and held them hostage. We paid[…]

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Here in Haiti, which is under a Level 4 Warning, “Do not travel to Haiti by the State Department,” we are moving forward in the midst of all the troubles here. The Jesus Healing Center is open, Birthing Center and Malnutrition Center are open 24 hours a day, 365 days[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“He’s Coming Back!” “This generation” of young people, college students, and many more would have a quick “awakening” if they read their Bible! What we see happening now, with attacks against Israel, is what has been foretold, and this is “just the beginning!” Remember the words of Jesus in Matthew[…]

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“The Other Bobby”

The “Other Bobby…” His last name is Burnett (in Haiti, they drop the “e”). His father died before he was born, and his mother died soon after. His grandfather did not want him. He instructed his teenage sister to find an orphanage for him. When we took Bobby in, he[…]

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