I'm sitting here in our Love A Child Fond Parisien Church. This is a church for all faiths. I remember our first convert. He was a famous killer in our area! We started with 10 people under a brush arbor. Sherry is giving Kaeli, who is sick, some special tea. Note: Our first convert (the...
Sharing our food... These orphanage children are sponsored by Living Water Ministries whom we share our food with each month. Right now, we are giving nearly two containers of food to other ministries each month. We must bring in eight containers of food each month, but we only have regular sponsorship for two containers. Please pray about helping us...
“For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.” Psalm 84:10 — One day with the Lord is better than a thousand days with anyone else, but one day without Him, would be the most miserable...
People have often asked us, "What is the hardest thing about living in Haiti?" Our answer is always the same, “It is hard seeing the little children suffer,” especially those who live far up in the mountain villages that have little rain, poor soil, no jobs, or medical care... and where there is no hope....
"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee." Isaiah 26:3 — There is a lot of turmoil in the world. But those who learn to focus their minds on the Lord will have perfect peace. Have a blessed day! Bobby
When Bobby's "Aunt Dorothy," the woman who had raised him since he was a baby, found out that he had gone to church, given his heart to the Lord and was filled with the Holy Spirit, she was very angry. She thought he was "losing his mind." She took him before the judge to have him...
Read our exciting and latest "Sherry's Journal" today. It tells the story about our new schools that have been built and sponsored by our Love A Child partners. You will also read about other schools like "Bethel" that are still under construction! You will be blessed! Bobby & Sherry
Important: Love A Child is in need of good used "laptops" for our High School here at Fond Parisien, Haiti. The Education National of Haiti is insisting that we have a "computer lab" for the high school kids in this area and we were not prepared for this. If you have any used laptops or know of...
“Set a guard, O Lord, before my mouth; keep watch at the door of my lips.” Psalm 141:3 - Have you ever said something to someone that you wish you could take back? I know I have. That’s why it is so important that we ask the Lord to help us say only things that...
CHILDREN OF THE TRASH: It was heart-breaking to visit the largest dump site in Haiti. There among pigs, rats and millions of flies were little children scrounging for food. We haven't slept for two nights. This is really the "cry of the poor." Pray that the Lord will give us wisdom to know how to help these...