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Nelson Dedicated to the Lord: 5-25-2015 8:00 PM

Every day, we see miracles in the lives of children we have rescued from starvation and malnutrition. One of the greatest is little “Nelson,” who was found sitting naked in the dirt among the pigs. He was unable to walk, stand alone, or talk! Now, he is perfectly healed, and[…]

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Welcome Mark Ostrander: 5-25-2015 12:00 PM

Today we welcome Mark Ostrander back to Haiti. As most of you know, Mark has been here over 350 times!! Mark is also on our Love A Child Board of Directors. He will be working on the Malnutrition Center and our Grand Miracle Market Meat Processing Plant. Both will be[…]

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Love A Child provides hope to those living in poverty in Haiti.

Word from the Mission Field – 05-25-15

In the story about the Good Samaritan, we see that the Priest and the Levite saw the wounded, half dead and beat up man, but they passed on the other side of the street and did nothing. Today when we see the poor and needy, let’s not pass on the[…]

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First LAC Church in DR: 5-23-2015 12:00 PM

Here are David George and Pastor Carmela Gomez in La Romana, Dominican Republic in front of the first Love A Child Church going up! Thank you David and your friends for funding this project! Pastor Gomez and Carlos Silvestre have a great burden for the youth of these poor areas of[…]

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Word from the Mission Field: 5-24-2015 6:00 AM

The second greatest commandment in the Bible tells us to love our neighbors as ourselves. Then the crucial question is, who is my neighbor? Please read the story of the Good Samaritan today. Luke 10:25-37—notice verse 37 says. “Go, and do likewise.” Look at these four powerful words from Jesus! Have[…]

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Thank you for your birthday wishes: 5-23-2015 4:30 PM

Thank you everyone for all your sweet birthday wishes, Facebook posts, texts, emails, and phone calls, it has meant so much to me. All the children at our Love A Child Orphanage plastered “I Love Mommie” and “Happy Birthday Mommie” drawings all over the place! “Love is something you do!”[…]

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Johnny needs drums: 5-23-2015 2:00 PM

This is Johnny and his mother. They both live in Phase One of Miracle Village. Johnny is about 25 and was blinded when blocks fell on him during the earthquake, crushing his head and blinding him in both eyes. We have sent him to several doctors and they give him[…]

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Feeding the poor: 5-23-2015 9:00 AM

We love feeding poor children here in Haiti, because they are eating dirt and mud in many areas throughout the country. God blesses those who bless the poor. Each month we have many organizations that come to us for food. Many missionaries, like Sherri Fausey, depend on this food for their school children.[…]

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Word from the Mission Field: 5-23-2015 6:30 AM

Today is Sherry’s birthday!! I woke up in the middle of the night thinking, I almost forgot today was her birthday. She is not getting older, but better! I met Sherry under an old Gospel tent in Orlando, Florida when she had just turned 17-years-old. “This is the day which[…]

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Transporting supplies to Peyi Pouri – 05-22-15

Building a church in the “regions beyond…anything.” Today, over 200 poor Haitians came down from the mountains to meet Pastor Claude’s truck to carry many building materials. Most trucks cannot make the trip up to Peyi Pouri because of the narrow “s-curve” roads. The crowd of 200 lined up to[…]

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